What is CBD
Corticobasel Degeneration (CBD) is a rare and progressive neurodegenerative disease that is related to an abnormal accumulation of tau protein in the brain. It is estimated that CBD affects approximately 1-5 in every 10,000 people. Onset can be from the age of 50 but in some cases in can be 40.
Due to misdiagnosis the true prevalence of CBD is unknown therefore could be much higher that estimated. The exact cause of CBD is still unknown. There are currently no treatments diagnosis can be challenging.
Initial symptoms may include physical complications such as stiffness, tremors, jerkiness and slowness and clumsiness in the limbs. Sometimes symptoms begin on one side of the body and will gradually spread to the other side of the body. Other symptoms may include:
• Difficulties with speech (Dysphasia)
• Difficulties with articulation (Dysarthia)
• Disconnected speech patterns (Aphasia)
• Inability to perform or repeat particular movements (Apraxia)
• Difficulties controlling movement and the feeling that a limb is foreign (Alien Limb Syndrome)
• Jerky, rapid movements, difficulties controlling the muscles of the face and mouth, an walking and balance issues (Myoclonus)
• Slow movements, rigidity, postural instability.
• Mild to moderate cognitive impairment which includes, memory loss, difficulty planning and executing movement, dementia.
Symptoms of CBD overlap with other neurodegenerative diseases, in particular Parkinson’s and Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Evidence that a key factor in CBD is Tau protein, which is also a major feature in Alzheimer’s diseases. Tau is found in nerve cells in the brain and is important to the brains ability to transfer information effectively. When Tau protein becomes structurally altered in the brain it with clump inside the cells and will gradually destroy them. Evidence shows that toxic Tau accumulates in areas of the brain called the cortex and Basal Ganglia. As the disease progresses these areas will become damaged and the degenerations will worsen.